Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Additions to the familly

What a week it's been ... and it's only Wednesday.

All around us there are signs of goodness, welcome and love (divine love that is). On Sunday, we welcomed three new members in our parish community. The formal welcome takes place in the ritual of baptism, and this time around, there were three of them (along with their families) - all gathered in the church for the celebration of the Eucharist.

At that age, children are innocent, depending on parents, godparents and other members of their families for just about everything. In a sense, we never do outgrow this dependence (on God), although we do inherit the ability to ignore Him when we choose to. Thankfully, He never ignores us, but chooses instead to wait for us to 'wake up' to the fact that He's never been far away. We call these moments of awakening 'graced moments', and when we recognize such moments, they are indeed pure gifts.

I wonder if the parents and other adults who were present for the baptisms, and the parties which undoubtedly took place in the aftermath, were even the slightest bit aware of these divine truths, and the intangible, unseen gifts that were given even before the first party favor was distributed.

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