Friday, May 21, 2010

All in a word

I've always enjoyed words (can you tell?). Whenever I find a new one, I'm curious to research its meaning and context so that it can be embedded in the vast storehouse of knowledge that my brain (and yours) holds. Would that we could access all those terra-bytes of information at will!

Just a few months ago, I stumbled upon one of those medical terminologies that I don't hear every day. With apologies to others for whom this is everyday chatter, I was curious to plunge into the meanings of the word epicondolytis. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that this multisylabic nomenclature refers to the only-too-common 'tennis elbow' or its closely related cousin 'golfer's elbow'!

Curiosity about words and other things isn't limited to just the more experienced of us humans. This was evidenced yesterday when I heard one of the little ones who is preparing for the imminent reception of First Eucharist get veritably excited over the repeated pronunciation of the liturgical term transsubstantiation. Wow, now that's a mouthful for all of us!

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