Thursday, March 3, 2011

Stopped in my tracks

Earlier this evening, I was present at a meeting of children and their parents who are preparing for First Reconciliation.  As it turns out, a number of the other adult helpers and I were given the great privilege of working with the children for tonight's session.  These children are about 7 or 8 years old, and when adults meet children (of this age or any age for that matter) the surprises aren't far away.

We recently procured a set of hand puppets, including Jesus, Mary and some of the other major characters in the bible, in an effort to make the presentation of the biblical adventures more understandable for children, and more fun for adults.  As it turns out, Jesus (the puppet) came to tonight's preparation session, and found his way into my hands for the beginning of my session with the kids.

I had scarcely gotten the children's attention, and begun to comment about the fact that the parents were no longer within ear shot, thus giving us a chance to have some fun, before one of the very astute children (did I tell you that they're a pretty observant bunch) commented that Jesus still had a price tag hanging from his hand (as though this somehow took away from his ability to teach lessons).

The Jesus puppet was retired before he even got a chance to utter one word, and I believe that he still has his price tag attached to his hand, in case he should find his way back to the store.

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