Friday, June 17, 2011

Construction, phase 2

Now that the scaffolding is all up (at least the exterior scaffolding around the towers), work has begun on the interior of the towers.  It may be difficult to spot from the ground, but each course of mortar now has to be ground out, and then refilled with fresh mortar.

Work has begun in the top part of the east tower (above), where there is also some additional scaffolding which has been installed inside the tower so that the workers can reach each course of the brickwork.  In the past couple of days, we've begun to hear the grinding as course by course, the mortar is removed from the inside of the tower.

Plans are also advancing regarding the fabrication of steel reinforcement beams and bands which will eventually be installed inside the towers.  More info about that will come in the next couple of weeks.  For now, I've been led to believe that the steel is still in the design phase, but that it won't be long before fabrication happens.  If I'm right, there will be a crane brought in to lower the steel into the towers via the open windows at the top.  Watch for more pictures about that when it comes to pass.

Once the scaffolding was in place (last week some time), the next phase was to install security fencing in order to protect the passerby from possible injury.  Signs such as these were also affixed, but at least one of the wedding couples who came to exchange their nuptials in the last few days snickered at the sign, postulating that the blank could be completed with the word 'MARRIAGE'.

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