Friday, June 24, 2011

Preparing for Corpus Christi

This coming Sunday, the Church (in most parts of the world, including Canada) will observe the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord.  Traditionally, Corpus Christi, like the Feast of the Ascension, is observed on a Thursday, but in some places in the world, permission has been granted for the Feast to be transferred to the nearest Sunday.

Perhaps it might be helpful to use this opportunity of preparation as an occasion for reflection on the meaning of the gift of the Body and Blood of Christ.  Three years ago, Quebec City was host to the International Eucharistic Congress, and a number of catecheses were given then, teachings on the importance of the Eucharist.  These have been conserved and can still be viewed via the video recordings:

Eucharistic Congresses have taken place for many centuries in various locations throughout the world.  Each of them is an opportunity for the Church to deepen our understanding of the gift of the Eucharist given by Christ for sake of his beloved.

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