Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Three in one day

Today you have a choice.  Actually there are two saints from the Church's history who are being celebrated:

Saint Paulinus of Nola, Bishop
Born at Bordeaux in France in 355, Paulinus advanced in the service of the state, married and had a son.  Seeking an austere life, he received baptism and, having disposed of all his worldly goods, he began to live the monastic life at the age of 40 at Nola in Campagna.  He later was made bishop of the city and promoted the cult of Saint Felix, assisted pilgrims and diligently alleviated the misfortunes of the day.  He also composed poems remarkable for their fine language.  Saint Paulinus died in 431.

Perhaps more well-known in our day though are the other two saints celebrated today:

Saint John Fisher, Bishop and Martyr

Born in 1469, John Fisher completed his theological studies at Cambridge in England and was ordained to the priesthood.  Appointed bishop of Rochester, he led a most austere life and fulfilled his pastoral role by frequently visiting the faithful.  He also composed works against the errors of his time.

Saint Thomas More, Martyr
Saint Thomas was born in 1477 and was educated at Oxford.  He married and had one son and three daughters.  While serving as Chancellor in the King's Court, he wrote works on the governance of the realm and in defense of the Faith.

Both Saint John Fisher and Saint Thomas More were beheaded in 1535 by order of King Henry VIII whom they had resisted in the matter of his divorce: John Fisher on June 22 and Thomas More on July 6.  While detained in prison, Bishop Fisher was named to the College of Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church by Pope Paul III.

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