Thursday, December 1, 2011

The first signs

Early this morning, things were afoot.  Well in reality I was the one afoot, on my way to an appointment.  As I peered out the window, I saw an ever-so-light dusting of snow.  If I didn't know better, I might have thought that God had sent the angels to dust the ground with talcum or chalk.

The trail of footsteps I left behind me as I stepped out the door (which had been invisible since the early spring) was a tell tale sign that things were different this morning, and even before I reached my destination, the powder began to waft once again from the sky.

Perhaps this is a sign that I must get on with the baking of cakes and other preparations for Christmas.  Ah yes, the scents and sounds of Christmas are not so far away.  There is music already playing in the speakers of some of the city merchants, and soon there will be presents and gifts to be prepared.  What fun!

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