Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Audience on the Sacrament of Matrimony

Today's General Audience began at 10:15am in Saint Peter's Square, where the Holy Father, Pope Francis met with groups of pilgrims and the faithful who had come from various places in Italy and from every part of the world.

During his discourse, spoken in Italian, the Pope concluded the cycle of catechesis devoted to the Sacraments with a teaching on the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Following the resumes of today's catechesis presented in various languages, the Holy Father spoke particular expressions of greeting to the faithful who were present.

The General Audience concluded with the chanting of the Pater Noster and the imparting of the Apostolic Blessing.

Catechesis of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the General Audience

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today we conclude the cycle of teachings about the Sacraments by speaking about Matrimony.  This Sacrament is guided by the will of God, which is based on a covenant established with his people, with all of us, a covenant of communion.  At the beginning of the book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, the crowing moment of the creation account says: God created man in his image; in the image of God, he created him: masculine and feminine, he created them ... This is why a man must leave his father and his mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh (Gn 1:27; 2:24).  God's image is that of a married couple: a man and a woman; not only a man, not only a woman, but both of them.  This is God's image: love, God's covenant with us is represented in the covenant between a man and a woman.  And this is very beautiful!  We have been created for love, as a reflection of God and of his love.  And in the conjugal union of a man and a woman, we see the fulfillment of this vocation in the signs of full and definitive reciprocity and communion of life.

When a man and a woman celebrate the Sacrament of Matrimony, God, so to speak, is reflected in them, imprints them with properties and with the indelible character of his love.  Matrimony is the icon of the love of God for us.  God is also, in fact, communion: the three Persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit live always and forever in perfect unity.  And this is the true mystery of Matrimony: God creates one existence out of two spouses.  The Bible uses a striking image; calling this union one flesh, so intimate is the union between a man and a woman in marriage.  And this is the true mystery of marriage: the love of God that is reflected in a couple who decides to live together.  For this reason, a man leaves his house, the house of his parents and goes to live with his wife and to be strongly united to her that the two become - says the Bible - one flesh.

But you, spouses, do you remember this?  Are you aware of the great gift that the Lord has given you?  This is the true gift of marriage!  In your union you see the reflection of the Holy Trinity, and with the grace of Christ, you are a living and credible icon of God and of his love.

In the Letter to the Ephesians, Saint Paul emphasizes the fact that Christian spouses reflect a great mystery: the relationship established by Christ with the Church, a mutual relationship (cf. Eph 5:21-33).  The Church is the spouse of Christ.  This is the relationship.  It signifies that Matrimony responds to a specific vocation and should be considered as a consecration (cf. Gaudium et spes, 48; Familiaris consortio, 56).  It is a consecration: man and woman are consecrated in their love.  In fact, because of the Sacrament, spouses are invested with a true and proper mission, because from ordinary and simple things, they render visible the love with which Christ loves his Church, continually giving his life for her in faithfulness and service.

The design of the Sacrament of Matrimony is truly stupendous!  It takes place in the simplicity and the fragility of the human condition.  We know only too well the difficulties that are endured by every married couple ... What is important is that they keep connected with God who is at the heart of every marital bond.  True relationships always have room for God, are founded on God.  When a family prays, their bond is maintained.  When a husband prays for his wife, and a wife prays for her husband, the bond between them is strengthened: one prays for the other.

It is true that in matrimonial life there are many difficulties, many: work, lack of money, children having problems – so many difficulties. And so often the husband and wife become a bit nervous and quarrel between themselves. They quarrel -- it is always so in marriage -- sometimes even plates fly. However, we must not become sad because of this; the human condition is like this. And the secret is that love is stronger from the moment there is quarrelling, so I always advise spouses: Never end the day when you quarrelled without making peace. Always! And it is not necessary to call the United Nations to come to one’s home to make peace. A small gesture, a caress, a hello is sufficient! And until tomorrow -– and tomorrow one begins again. And this is life; it must be carried forward thus, carried forward with the courage of wanting to live it together. And this is great, it is beautiful! Married life is a most beautiful thing and we must guard it always, protect the children.

At other times I have said in this square something that helps marital life a lot. They are three words that must always be said, three words that must be in the home: please, thank you, sorry [permesso, grazie, scusa] -- three magical words. Please, so as not to be invasive in the life of the spouse. Please, but what does this seem to you? Please, allow me.  Thank you: to thank one’s spouse: thank you for what you did for me, thank you for this. The beauty of rendering thanks!  And as we all make mistakes, the other word which is a bit difficult to say, but which must be said: sorry.  Please, thank you, sorry. With these three words, with the prayer of the husband for his wife and vice versa, with making peace always before the day ends, the marriage will go forward -- the three magical words, prayer and always making peace.

May the Lord bless you and pray for me.

Following the summaries of the catechesis in various languages, the Pope spoke particular greetings to each group of the faithful who were present.  To English-speaking pilgrims, he said:

I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims present at today’s Audience, including those from England, Wales, Denmark, Norway, Malta, Japan, Canada and the United States. I am pleased to welcome the Catholic Health Care Federation from the United States and the priests of the Institute for Continuing Theological Formation at the Pontifical North American College. Upon all of you, and upon your families, I invoke joy and peace in Christ our Lord.

To Italian-speaking pilgrims, His Holiness said:

I welcome the Italian-speaking pilgrims! I welcome the participants in the Seminar organized by the Pontifical Council for the Family; the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, who are holding their General Chapter, and the other women religious present. I greet the faithful of the parishes and the numerous groups, in particular the representation of the workers of ALCOA of Portovesme. I greet the Multiple-Sclerosis Association; the Association of Artillery Men of Italy and the Professional Soccer League. May this pilgrimage reinforce in everyone faith, hope and charity.

A special thought goes to the Jemo ‘Nnanzi group of Aquila, Jemo ‘Nnanzi. Five years after the earthquake devastated your city, I join you in prayer for the numerous victims, and I entrust to the protection of Our Lady of Roio all those who still live in hardship. I encourage all to keep hope alive! May the reconstruction of dwellings be accompanied by that of churches, which are houses of prayer for all, and of the artistic patrimony, to which the re-launching of the territory is linked. Jemo ‘Nnanzi.

I greet the young people, the sick and the newlyweds, remembering them with the liturgy of Saint Francis of Paola. Dear young people, especially you, of the Village of youngsters of Maddaloni, learn from him that humility is strength and not weakness! Dear sick, do not tire of asking in prayer for the Lord’s help. And you, dear newlyweds, compete in esteeming and helping one another.

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