Sunday, June 8, 2014

Life is a pilgrimage

Yesterday evening at 8:45 local time, the Holy Father, Pope Francis spoke by telephone with participants in the 36th Macerata-Loreto walking pilgrimage, who were gathered in the Helvia Recina Stadium in Macerata to celebrate the Opening Mass which was presided over by the Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin.

Transcript of the telephone conversation
between His Holiness, Pope Francis
and participants in the 36th walking pilgrimage
at Macerata-Loreto

Dear young people who are on the walking pilgrimage from Macerata to Loreto!

Once again this year I wanted to be present among you, at least virtually.  What joy: I am truly happy that your pilgrimage this year is taking place during the night that precedes the Feast of the Holy Spirit - Pentecost - and on the vigil of the prayer encounter that will be held tomorrow in the Vatican to invoke the gift of peace in the Holy Land, in the Middle East and throughout the world.  I ask you please: be united with us in asking God, through the intercession of the Virgin of Loreto, to sound again in that land the song of the angels: Glory to God in the highest heavens and peace to all men (cf. Lk 2:14).

Dear young people, your theme is God is the Lord of surprises! and this is very true!  For this reason, do not be afraid to dream of a better world: to ask, to seek and to deepen.  You know that faith is not a legacy that we receive from others, faith is not a commodity that can be bought, but a loving response that is freely given and daily built upon with patience, amid successes and failures.

Don't be afraid to throw yourselves into the arms of God.  God will never ask anything of you except to bless you again and again a hundred fold!

Don't allow yourselves to be discouraged by losses or by fear that your dreams will not be fulfilled, by the temptation to lock away your hopes in the darkness of doubt instead of allowing yourselves to fly into the light of hope!  Please, don't fall into mediocrity!  Into the mediocrity that draws us down and discourages us; life should never be greyed by indifference, but should be filled with grand ideals about wonderful things.

Negativity is contagious but so is positivity is also contagious, desperation is contagious but joy is also contagious: don't follow negative people but continue to radiate the light of hope from within!  Know too that hope can never be diluted; don't ever dilute your hope!

With God, nothing is lost, but without Him, everything is lost: open your hearts to Him and trust in Him; your eyes will see his paths and his marvels (cf. Pr 23:26).

Tonight, pray for peace in Loreto, close to Our Lady, and don't forget to offer a prayer for me too, I need your prayers!

Thank you very much, continue along the way, and enjoy the journey!

Pray for each other, and not against!

Good night, may the Lord bless you, go in peace!

May the Almighty God bless you: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit!  May Mary accompany you!  Thank you!

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