Monday, August 4, 2014

A message for Eurojam 2014

The Holy Father sent a message to the Scouts of Europe who are gathering this week to celebrate their fourth international gathering known as Eurojamboree.  This celebration is taking place at Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois in Normandy (France) from August 1-10 and involves more than 12,000 young men and women who are from more than 20 European countries.

Message of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to the Guides and Scouts of Europe
gathered at Saint-Evroult-Notre-Dame-du-Bois
for their ten-year meeting
August 1-10, 2014

Dear friends, I greet you with joy while you are gathered for the Eurojamboree which, this year, is taking place in France, an occasion for you to renew the ties that unite you with God, with others and with all of creation.

The theme chosen for this gathering is a passage from the Gospel of John, in which two disciples of the Baptist ask Jesus: Master, where do you live? (Jn 1:38), and the Lord replies: Come and see (1:39).  In order to know Jesus, we too must set out.  Along the way, we come to realize that God makes himself known in different ways: in the beauty of creation; as he lovingly intervenes in our lives, in the friendships and acquaintances that we share with others.

In Rio de Janeiro, I spoke of three important ways of responding to the call of Jesus: Go; don't be afraid; to serve.  If we accept the Lord's invitation to set out toward him and to experience his love which fills our hearts with joy, he will take away all our fears: fear of God, fear of others, fear of facing the difficulties of life.  And he will send us out to proclaim his love, even to the ends of the earth, to serve our neighbour even in the most remote places.

But all of that is not possible unless we develop a friendship with Jesus, by seeking more and more opportunities to encounter him, especially in his Word and in the Sacraments.  The Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist together form a specific saving event by which we are configured to Jesus Christ, who died and rose; we become new beings, members of the Church.  Many generations owe their belief in the path of holiness, their practice of virtue and in particular their depth of soul to their experience with the Scouts.

Your celebration coincides with the one hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the first World War.  I invite you to pray that peace may be restored in Europe and in the rest of the world.  You are truly the actors of this world, not only spectators!  I encourage you to not be afraid to face the challenges before you in order that you might protect Christian values, especially the defence of life, development and growth, the dignity of the person, the fight against poverty, and so many other challenges that we must face every day.

At times when your journey seems more challenging, always remember that you are sons and daughters of the Church.  The Church is your Mother, she supports you and she is counting on you!  You are called to love and to serve her in joy and with the generosity that is fitting for your youth.  May the Virgin Mary accompany you with tenderness, now and throughout all of your lives.

From the Vatican, July 3, 2014

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