Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cinematographic gastronomy

Ok, before I go too far with the word play, let me tell you about an absolutely delightful film which I finally managed to see tonight.

A few weeks ago, Julie & Julia opened in cinemas across this part of the world, and thanks to the publicity, including trailers, I knew even before this film hit the box office that I needed to see it. A mixture of drama that will make you cry ... or almost ... and moments of gut-wrenching laughter, this movie is as much a feast for the eyes as the food prepared within its frames is a feast for the body.

The first time a film of this nature captured my imagination, the title was Babette's Feast, a foreign-language adventure in gastronomic delights introduced to a crowd who would scarcely know the difference between basil and balsamic, and this newest entry on the scene is yet another joy to behold.

Julie & Julia is masterfully crafted, the true stories of two women of our time, both of whom struggled to find their neiche, but both of whom eventually found the source of their own personal fulfilment. In both cases, they were supported by loving husbands, who wanted nothing more than to see them succeed.

Isn't that the key to life? Find a passion and believe in yourself. The rest will fall in place.

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