Friday, December 25, 2009

Last night in song

Enter a place where human voices combine to pay homage to a child king and what do you find? Last night, there were dimmed lights: perfect for setting a prayerful mood; and choral singing: reminiscent of the carolling that has taken place in places such as these since many of us were little children; and just the very faintest odour of something sweet, not the perfume from the floral arrangements but rather the scent of incense (which by the way was among the first gifts given to the child who is celebrated in these days).

As the midnight hour drew near, more and more people found their way through the door, and the dulcid tones of familiar and not-so-familiar tunes wafted in the air.

Perhaps this might give an added sense of how things were.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Mass was so beautiful last night. My daughter-in-law who is visiting from Toronto said it was the nicest Christmas Mass she has been to. I agree. The reflections put the first Christmas into perspective. The singing last night was unbelievably beautiful. Thank you.
Music is the heart of the soul.
Hoping people will start returning to the parish now that they can hear...