Saturday, December 26, 2009

Traditions old and new

Childhood memories come back, especially at Christmas.

As a very young child, I remember Christmas morning involving meeting at the church for Mass and then continuing with a visit to my grandparents' house where we would share a 'traditional' Christmas morning breakfast (which was really more like brunch). In our family, this is the only time of the year when garlic pork is served (although there are some who would love to prepare this recipe at other times of the year. This meal is served with anise seed bread, a rosted ham and schnaps of gin.

Once the meal is complete, the exchange of gifts takes place, and then we switch homes, and end up with other family members for supper. In this way, we get to see all the cousins, aunts and uncles ... all in one day.

In more recent years, since it's not always possible for us to be present for the rituals proper to Christmas day, another layer to the routine has been added, that being a meeting for a meal on Boxing Day. This usually involves a variety of dishes, reflecting the various traditions that have been blended into the current day family. Extended family and friends are always welcome at the table, bringing their stories and experiences with them as well.

This year, we have the joyous addition of a new baby who adds her special warmth, love and joy to the already existing atmosphere where memories blend with new traditons in the making.

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