Tuesday, December 29, 2009

On the road again

All good things must someday come to an end. So it is that before I could believe it, the few days break that have been enjoyed since Christmas came to an end today, and I found myself seated once again behind the steering wheel, companion at my side and pointed in the direction of our northern destination (but not so far north really).

I remember many years ago reading a poem (although I have no idea today who the author was, or where to find the text) that spoke of cars travelling. In the language of poetry, automobiles were personified and described as though they were indeed human, complete with metal bodies, glass eyes which illuminated when needed, and even mouths which breathed the onrushing air, and spewed smoke when their 'bodies' were overheated.

This image came back to me today as we travelled. The traffic was light, but evidence of the most recent snowfall was still all round us, including some lanes which were still impassible, waiting for the plows to pass by, cleaning them and coating them with salt. Thankfully, all was uneventful, except for a brief stop to refill the windshield washer reservoir (can't take the chance of running short of that stuff on messy days like this).

Back at home now, the torrent of responsibilities and to-dos will soon be upon us, so buckle up and get ready to get on the road again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!

I look forward to many more interesting articles from my favourite blogger!

Do take care!