Saturday, December 5, 2009

One of those days

Has this ever happened to you?

The day actually began long before the sun was up. I was tossing and turning, remembering a whole lot of things that needed to be tended to, and most of these are time sensitive. If they don't get looked at or solved today, they will only leak into tomorrow, and that might be too late (in some cases).

With a mixture of emotions that waffled between wanting to take advantage of a few more moments for rest and slumber, and the ever-pressing urgency to get to the tasks at hand, I wrenched myself from the comfort of slumber and plunged into the day.

First there were phone calls to be made to the families of the two individuals for whom we will celebrate funerals in the coming days. I'd heard about them yesterday, but hadn't had a moment to touch base until today. Then there was the ever-present task of sorting out some thoughts for a reflection to be shared with the community that will be gathered here in a matter of moments for the first of the weekend liturgies.

No sooner did I have this task completed than I raced out to open the doors of the church (we have to let the people in if they're going to be able to pray here), and there in the sacristy I found the secretary hard at work sorting out the envelopes for next year's collections. We've had them on hand for a few weeks now, but finally it's time to put them out so that those who need them can find them. I thought it best that I should stick around and lend a hand. After all, she's not usually here on Saturdays, so I wanted to make this process as painless as possible, but it still took some time to sort out the boxes of envelopes, to arrange them in alpha order and to set them out so that they can be easily identified.

That was an hour or so ago, and since that time there have also been a number of other phone calls to be made, and of course people who have wanted to be shriven of their iniquities. Now it's off to the divine synaxys ... Check in later to find out more about this roller coaster day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Fr. Tony-
What do you think the rest of us did in our 20's, 30's,40's, etc.?
We also did not have much time to play, "Ring around the Rosie".
It's all good...all for our Lord who calls us to be servants- and because of this we make a difference in this world.

(I came home to a snowed in blue cabin...and I am shovelling...tra la la la la...)

Anonymous said...

Actually, sounds pretty much like most of my days, lately...

Anonymous said...

I'd agree with all of you. We were sometimes so busy! And you know, we complained every once in awhile too. Once in awhile complaining made us feel better.