Friday, July 1, 2011

At last

Sometimes it takes a bit of wrangling and lots of patience, but finally we managed to find a time and place that was suitable to all concerned.  In fact, there were only three around the table but as the conversation flitted from one subject to another, seeminly without seams, it wasn`t long before the entire evening had passed.

At the risk of elevating humans way beyond the place of honur that we have rightly merited, I couldn`t help thinking that this little gathering wasn`t so far different from what the intent for all of us must be like in God`s vision.  The example given is that of the Trinity, and in the classic icon (pictured above) it appears that the three divine persons are seated at a table, conceivably sharing one another`s company, discussing the affairs of life, laughing and cajoling one another as good friends do.

Would time pass as easily in their presence?  Would we far too soon notice that it is time to leave? or is it more the truth that people of faith are invited to sit at this table in perpetuity, bringing all that we are, and all that we have to the conversation as well. 

There is a deep sense of trust established when good friends gather, when the conversation is easy, when there is time for all and for everyone.  Yet there are some in our society who have never had the experience of such a table.  Instead, they live in a world where there are no such tables, no such companions to share dreams and cares, no such occasions for a momentary pause from the rush and demands of life.  Ah what a sad situation that would be.

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