Saturday, July 2, 2011

The pieces are here

We're making progress.

As the work continues on the painstaking task of removing all the damaged mortar from between the courses of brick in the tower, and as fresh mortar is spread between each of the bricks to strengthen the walls and to freshen the structure, the supplies for one of the last parts of the renovation arrived this past week.

The bell that currently hangs (silently) in the east tower is in need of repair, and the mechanisms that will be needed for the repair were delivered a few days ago.  They are currently being kept in waiting and will be hoisted to the heights in the coming weeks.

One step at a time, this project which as been so long in the waiting is actually coming to fruition, and people from far and wide continue to watch and to wait for the day when the bell will once again sing it's happy song.

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