Friday, July 15, 2011

Signs of life

A number of years ago, I received two bouganvillia plants.  They had been purchased in the early summer months and had grown merrily until the weather threatened to cool off to temperatures which would make it dangerous to leave these tropical plants exposed to the elements, so I moved them indoors.

Bouganvillia love sun and heat, but try as I might, it was never possible for me to find enough light and heat to see these plants flower while they were indoors.  Finally, I decided to move them outdoors about a month ago.  First, they were transplanted, and then moved into full sun where they would grace the steps for months to come ... so I thought.

At first I was shocked to see the leaves all change from their characteristic brilliant green to dried brown, but I soon undersood that the strong sun and heat were too much for the tender leaves to absorb (right away).  In addition, the fact that the plants had been transplanted meant that they had gone into shock.  Soon, the leaves dried and slowly fell away.  What had once been magnificent specimens of foliage was transformed into twigs, and passers by began to murmur their fear that the plants had died.

Not so.

Thanks to careful watering and feeding, there is reason for hope.  All the spindly shoots were cut away, leaving the sturdy woody branches exposed to the heat and humidity that have characterised the past couple of weeks.  Every day, people look, wonder and wait.  Finally in the past couple of days, there was first one little tender leaf, then another, and today there are a number of little red-tinged leaves sprouting.  With a little luck, and a lot of persistence, we just may see two fully vibrant, blooming plants in the coming weeks.

Lesson to be learned: have faith.  Even in the most trying times, there is hope, there can be new life.

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