Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lessons from patients

Some lessons are learned without ever having to consult a book.

Earlier this week, we received a call asking that I (or someone else I designate) arrange to visit with a certain one of our parishioners.  Visits happen every day between friends and others, for all kinds of resons.  Visits are opportunities for us to get to know others and often can be occasions for us to find reasons to give thanks.

Visits with this person (there have been a few, and I know that there will be more) are wonderful because they allow me to benefit from the joie de vivre and the balanced approach to life that they both have.  Knowldge that time is to be cherished changes the way we use it, appreciate it, and share it with others.

One of the valuable lessons I learn every time I have opportunities such as these, I grow in my understanding that patients are among the most under-used sources of information especially when it comes to providing wholistic health care.

Another example of this same blessing arrived in my inbox today in the form of a video-preserved lecture which has been posted on  It's entitled Meet e-Patient Dave.  Check it out, and prepare yourself to learn some very valuable lessons:

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