Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Details unveiled about the next two events in the Year of Faith

At 12:30pm local time in Rome today, in the John Paul II Hall at the Holy See Press Office, a press conference was held to present the next two events for the Year of Faith: the Day of Candidates for Confirmation and of the Confirmed, which will be observed on April 27-28, and the Day of Confraternities and of Popular Piety, which will take place from May 3 to 5.

Speakers at this afternoon's press conference included His Excellency, Rino Fisichella, President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization; and Monsignor Graham Bell, Under-secretary of the same Pontifical Council.

Intervention of His Excellency, Rino Fisichella
President of the Pontifical Council
for the Promotion of the New Evangelization

The Year of Faith gets into full swing through some special events that are meant to express different realities related to the sign of faith and witness in the world. Before considering the merits of the two events, I want to describe some features that are the common denominator for all the other events taking place in Rome with the Holy Father. They are intended in particular to highlight pilgrimages to the tomb of Peter. For this reason, on the day prior to the pilgrimage itself, we suggest a brief symbolic procession from the Obelisk located in Saint Peter's Square to the tomb of Peter, where pilgrims can then make a profession of faith. Along this path, you will develop a brief catechesis to recall the meaning of the places where you are and which possess historical value for the faith. We suggest the use of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, to stress the unity of the whole Church which that profession of faith has always aimed to signify by its universality. Some Churches of Rome, especially those closest to the Via della Conciliazione, will be used for the celebration of the sacrament of Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, and in some cases for the catechetical sessions. These moments intend to encourage an experience of faith and to prepare the faithful for the celebration of the Mass with the Pope in a spirit conforming to the meaning of pilgrimage and the joy of witnessing the beauty of faith.

The first big event will be held on April 27 and 28 and will be dedicated to those who have received or will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the Year of Faith. At least 70,000 young people have already indicated their intention to attend, accompanied by their pastors and catechists, and their presence highlights the enthusiasm with which they have joined the initiative and the great participation that we should expect. Their presence at this event demonstrates why the Sacrament of Confirmation, especially in the practice of the Roman rite is intended to express the full and free decision to join the baptismal faith. In the simplicity of the rite - which in addition to the prayer of invocation consists of a sign of the cross on the forehead made with sacred Chrism blessed by the Pope on Holy Thursday, accompanied by the words: Receive the Seal of the Holy Spirit that is given to you as a gift , and the sign of peace - a great reality is expressed for the faith: the choice to live as a Christian in the Church and in the world with the identity of a faithful witness. The Church could not pass up such a moment in the Year of Faith. For the first time, Pope Francis will confer the sacrament to 44 young people from all over the world, symbolically representing the whole Church throughout the five continents. Since there is no uniformity as to the age at which to receive the sacrament, the confirmands range in age from the youngest who are 11 years old, coming from Romania and Italy, up to the oldest who comes from the island of Cape Verde and is 55 years old . The respective bishops who we consulted to find these people have identified the most representative and prepared of candidates from different local communities. We'll have young people who come from areas where Christians live in difficult situations as well as locations where populations are still under the cloak of war or disaster. In any case, young people who will be present here will show the face of the Church present where people live and suffer, to give everyone hope and certainty of the future. The Congo, Nigeria, Madagascar, Lebanon, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, the USA, Argentina, Brazil, Belarus, France, Germany, Ireland ... are some of the countries who will be represented. We have also insisted on the presence of a disabled person, representing those who are privileged in the eyes of the Church and deserve her full attention even in the reception of the sacraments. And finally, we will count among our confirmandi Antonio, who comes from the diocese of Carpi to give voice and hope to the victims of the earthquake and to those who still suffer situations of profound discomfort; Paul, who comes from mainland China and has lived in Italy for several years as a refugee; and Malia Petulisa Malani who comes from the other end of the earth, from Tonga to tell everyone that even in the most remote parts of the world, the Church is alive and present. After the celebration with Pope Francis, the candidates and their families will have a moment of fraternal sharing to celebrate together. The Pope will present each of them with a small but significant memory of the day of confirmation. In the afternoon, the Paul VI Hall will be packed with confirmandi for a time of celebration and listening to three significant examples: that of Paul, who will talk about his experience in China, Malia who will speak about the conversion of her father and of his his fervent prayers; and the witness of the catechist Adriana Trujilio from Bogota.

The second major event, which to date is already expecting an attendance of 50,000 people, will be held on May 3-5 and is dedicated to popular piety. Brotherhoods and associations from places where these traditions are strongest will be here, along with other such groups from Italy, Spain, Malta, France, Poland and Ireland ... together, they will give their testimony of the various local traditions which bear the fruit of a religion that has been expressed over the centuries with initiatives and works of art that endure to this day. The Brothers of Rome that are part of at least 20 parishes will make available on Friday and Saturday May 3 to 4 a reception for other brotherhoods who will be visiting. From the church of Sant'Agata in Trastevere to the church of St. Catherine of Siena and then to Santa Maria dell'Oranzione e della Morte on the Via Giulia, then passing by Santa Maria Hodigitria of the Sicilians on the Via del Tritone and San Giovanni Battista de 'Genovesi, as well as St. Benedict in Piscinula, and then to Santa Maria della Luce on the via Lungaretta, just to name a few.  In fact some of the beautiful and important churches of Renaissance and Baroque Rome with their history will open their doors to welcome the brothers from different parts of Italy and Europe. On Saturday morning we will follow the model of a pilgrimage to the tomb of Peter divided into language groups, while in the afternoon at four different churches, there will be catechetical sessions, followed by the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. The linguistic groups will gather in various locations: English language groups in Santa Maria Traspontina with S. Bishop Arthur Roche, Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, the Spanish language groups in Santa Maria dell'Orto with His Eminence, Cardinal Antonio CaƱizares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship; the Italians who of course are the most numerous will gather in Santa Maria degli Angeli with their National Assistant, Archbishop Mauro Parmeggiani.  I myself will provide the catechesis while the Mass will be presided by His Eminence the Secretary of State; the French language groups will gather in the church of la Trinita dei Monti with Bishop Jean Laffitte, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family. The most important meeting will culminate (on Sunday) with the celebration at 10.00 am of the Mass celebrated by Pope Francis in St Peter's Square. Beginning at 8.00am, there will be a procession along the Via della Conciliazione where some brotherhoods dressed in their respective attires will parade with their precious objects of worship and merge at the two arms of the Bernini columns in St Peter's Square. For the occasion, the representation of the Virgin at the papal altar will be that of Our Lady of Quintiliolo from the Diocese of Tivoli, a panel painting from the first half of the thirteenth century.

Throughout these celebrations, participants will live a moment of faith that finds expression in the simplicity and piety its most popular matrix rooted in our people, who without interruption, live lives filled with these signs as strong reminders of the faith of previous generations and of a tradition that deserves to be witnessed to with courage and enthusiasm. For this reason, popular piety is enjoying an increase in its support, leading to a deeper understanding of the faith that is better understood in these cultural and popular expressions.

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