Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Man of the people

Over this past weekend, Pope Francis met in audience with the President of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency, Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona.  A report taken from the official texts about the meeting was printed in these pages a few days ago.  Pictures released recently show a different side of the encounter, a much more jovial one, and proof that this pope is indeed a man of the people.

President Carmona presented the Holy Father with a gift of a tenor steel pan, a musical instrument which is well known to people of the Caribbean:

and after a few lessons, His Holiness was able to play his own tune.  According to the reports I've seen, the pan was actually a gift from the former President of T-T, George Maxwell Richards.

Can you imagine what it might sound like if His Holiness were playing with a number of others, during the celebration of a Mass?  Here's a taste of the Kyrie eleison, set to music for A Caribbean Mass, just one possibility:

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