Friday, January 15, 2010

Prayers for the people

The first plane load of earthquake evacuees from Port-au-Prince have arrived in Montreal as of last night, and this morning, there are interviews being conducted with some of them on CTV's Canada AM.

Still from our point of view, the question is being asked: What can we do? Aside from financial aid, perhaps we are best to pray for the repose of the souls of those who have died, and for the safety of those who have survived. We should also remember to pray for those who are working so hard to rescue any who are still trapped - time is of the essence now to rescue any of them too.

Locally, there is a group who will gather tonight at 7:30 pm to pray a rosary for victims and for those who are working in Haiti to free those who are trapped.

Many survivors and those who look on from afar are distraught, and where there is trauma, emotions always run high. Much of the infrastructure in Haiti has been compromised, so while others take care of basic needs as best they can, the best thing we can do is to pray that somehow those who find it most difficult to recognize love in action may be given new eyes to see, new ears to listen and renewed hearts to care for others who need to know that they are not alone.

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