Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rich man, poor man

Today, the liturgy directs our thoughts toward a very strange meeting indeed. On the one hand, Jesus, who has been born in humble surroundings, of parents who themselves have no exceptional means, but who is worthy of visits from those far above his stature in life. On the other, the wise men, people who would have had vast wealth, and influence, who came to pay him hommage.

This would indeed have been a very surprising and strange sight for Mary and Joseph, but it provides a foreshadow of his exaulted place in our hearts.

In today's reflection, provided by 'my humble assistant', the comparison was made between those of our generation who know Jesus (but don't necessarily have what it takes to recognize him in daily life), and those who see him in our actions, our meetings and our day to day life.

It's a really good read, fodder for our prayer and food for our souls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Matthew's reflection was so very good. Lots to ponder...