Sunday, November 9, 2014

Angelus meditation on living stones

At noon today, the Holy Father, Pope Francis appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace to recite the Angelus with the faithful and with pilgrims who had gathered in Saint Peter's Square for the Pope's weekly appointment.

Greetings of His Holiness, Pope Francis
prior to the recitation of the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Today, the liturgy recalls the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, which is the Cathedral of Rome and which tradition defines as the mother of all churches of the city and of the world. The term mother, refers not so much to the sacred building of the Basilica, as to the workings of the Holy Spirit which the building demonstrates through the ministry of the Bishop of Rome, and in all communities which remain united with the Church over which he presides.

Every time that we celebrate the dedication of a church, we are reminded of an essential truth: the physical temple, made up of bricks (and mortar) is a sign of the Church, living and active throughout history, that is the spiritual temple, as the Apostle Peter says, that Christ himself is the living stone rejected by men but chosen and precious in the eyes of God (1 Pt 2:4-8).  Jesus, in the gospel of today's liturgy, speaking of the temple, revealed a shocking truth: that the temple of God is not only a building made of stones, but it is his body, made of living stones.   By virtue of our baptism, every Christian is part of God's building (1 Cor 3:9) and therefore becomes part of the Church of God.  The spiritual building, the Church community of men and women sanctified by the blood of Christ and by the Spirit of the risen Lord, invites each of us to be consistent with the gift of faith and to undertake a journey of Christian witness.  This is not easy, we all know that it is not easy to live consistently both a life of faith and of witness but we must go on and strive to live this coexistence in our lives every day.  This is a Christian! not so much for what is said, but based on what he or she does, based on the way in which he or she conducts him or herself.  This coexistence, which gives us life, is a grace of the Holy Spirit for which we must ask.  At the beginning of her life and mission in the world, the Church was nothing other than a community brought together to confess faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Redeemer of mankind, a faith which is at work through charity.  They go together!  Even today the Church is called to be in the world, a community which, rooted in Christ through Baptism, professes humbly and courageously her faith in Him, bearing witness to this faith in charity.  For this very purpose, the elements of her institution must also be aimed, the structures and the pastoral organizations: to this essential goal - bearing witness to faith in charity.  Charity is the truest expression of faith and faith is the explanation and the foundation for charity.

Today's feast invites us to meditate on the communion that exists between all the Churches, that is the entire Christian community.  By analogy, it challenges us to strive toward mankind's ability to overcome barriers of hostility and indifference, and to build bridges of understanding and dialogue in order to make of the entire world one family reconciled to one anther, fraternal and in solidarity.  Of this new humanity the Church herself is a sign and an anticipation, when she lives and spreads her witness to the gospel, a message of hope and of reconciliation for all peoples.

Let us call upon the intercession of the Holy Mother, asking that she may help us to become, like her, the house of God, living temples of his love.

Following the recitation of the Angelus, the Holy Father continued:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Twenty-five years ago, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, a wall which for many years had cut the city in two and had served as a symbol of ideological division in Europe and in the entire world.  The fall happened suddenly, but it was made possible through long and arduous efforts by many people who had fought, prayed and suffered for it, some to the point of sacrificing their lives.  Among them, a lead role was played by the holy Pope John Paul II.  Let us pray that, with the help of the Lord and the collaboration of all men of good will, a culture of encounter will continue to spread, a culture capable of breaking down all the walls that still divide our world, and that it should never happen again that innocent people be persecuted and even killed because of their beliefs and their religion.  Where walls exist, there are always closed hearts.  We need bridges, not walls!

Today in Italy, we celebrate the Day of Thanksgiving, which this year has for its theme: Feed the planet.  Energy for life, referring to the soon approaching Milan Expo 2015.  I unite myself with the bishops in expressing a renewed commitment that no one should have to go without the daily food, which God provides for all of us.  I am close to all the farmers, and I encourage them to cultivate the land in sustainable and supportive ways.

In this context, here in Rome, we are observing the Diocesan Day for the protection of creation, and event which is aimed at promoting a lifestyle that is based on respect for the environment, reaffirming the alliance between mankind, care for creation and it's Creator.

I greet all the pilgrims who have come from various countries, the families, the parish groups and the associations on this beautiful day which the Lord has given us.

In particular, I greet the representatives from the Venezuelan community in Italy - I see the flag there - the young people from Thiene (Vicenza) who have recently been Confirmed; the university students from Urbino; the faithful from Pontecagnano, Sant-Angelo in Formis, Borgonuovo and Pontecchio.

On this beautiful day, I wish you all a good Sunday.  Please, don't forget to pray for me.  Enjoy your lunch and goodbye!

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