Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Angelus for 2015

At the conclusion of the Eucharistic celebration for the Solemnity of Holy Mary, the Motehr of God, and the 48th World Day of Peace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican Apostolic Palace and, before reciting the Angelus, he greeted the faithful and the people gathered in Saint Peter's Square with the following words:

Greetings of His Holiness, Pope Francis
before the recitation of the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and Happy New Year!

On this first day of the year, in the joyous spirit of Christmas - even if it is a bit cold - the Church invites us to fix our gaze of faith and love on the Mother of God.  In her, the humble woman of Nazareth, the word was made flesh and came to live among us (Jn 1:14).  For this reason, it is impossible to separate our contemplation of Jesus, the Word of life which was made visible and tangible (cf 1 Jn 1:1) from our contemplation of Mary, who shared with Him her love and her human flesh.

Today, we listen to the words of the apostle Paul: God sent his Son, born of a woman (Gal 4:4).  This born of a woman, affirms in an existential manner and for this reason in an even stronger way, the true humanity of the Son of God, as one of the Fathers of the Church, Saint Athanasius, also affirms: Our Saviour truly became man and from him came the salvation of all humanity (Letter to Epicletus: page 26).

But Saint Paul also adds: born under the law (Gal 4:4).  With this expression, he affirms the fact that Christ assumed the human condition freeing it from the closed mentality of legalism.  In fact, the law, deprived of grace, becomes an unbearable burden, and instead of doing us good, it causes us more harm.  Jesus said: The Sabbath was made from man, not man for the Sabbath.  This therefore is the reason why God sent his Son to earth to become man: for the sake of liberation, rather than for regeneration.  For liberation to redeem those who were under the law (Gal 4:5) and redemption came with the death of Jesus on the cross.  But above all, for the sake of regeneration, so we could receive adoption as sons (Gal 4:5).  Incorporated in Him, men and women truly become sons and daughters of God.  This amazing transformation begins in us with Baptism, which constitutes our true membership in Christ and makes us part of the Church.

At the beginning of a new year it is good for us to remember the day of our Baptism: to rediscover the joy received in this sacrament which brought us back to life: divine life.  This divine life is given through our Mother, the Church, which takes as her model, our Mother, Mary.  Thanks to Baptism, we have been included in the community with God and are no longer at the mercy of evil and sin, but we receive love, the tenderness, the mercy of our heavenly Father.  I ask you again: Who among you remembers the day of your baptism?  For those who do not remember the day of your baptism, I have some homework for you to do: search for this date and keep it carefully in your heart.  You might even ask your parents to help you, or your godfather, or your godmother, our your uncles and aunts ... The day on which we are baptized is a day of rejoicing!  Remember or search for the date of your baptism; it is a wonderful way to thank God for the gift of your baptism.

This closeness of God to our lives gives us true peace: the divine gift that we especially implore of him today, the World Day of Peace.  I can read there: Peace is always possible.  Peace is always possible! We need to seek it ... And there, I can see: Prayer is the root of peace.  Prayer is truly the root of peace.  Peace is always possible and our prayer is the root of peace.  Prayer makes peace grow.  Today, the World Day of Peace, may we no longer take slaves, but rather be brothers.  This is the message for this day, because war always creates slavery!  This is a message for everyone.  We are all called to fight every form of slavery and to build up fraternity.  All of us, each according to our own level of responsibility.  And remember well: peace is possible!  At the root of peace, there is always prayer.  Let us pray for peace.  There are also some beautiful schools of peace, schools for peace: we should continue with this education in the ways of peace.

To Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother, let us present our New Year's resolutions.  Let us ask her to cover us all with the mantle of her protection on this first day of the year: Holy Mother of God, despise not the petitions of those who are facing trials; free us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

And I invite you all to greet Our Lady today as the Mother of God.  Let us greet her with this greeting: Holy Mother of God!  At the very beginning of Christianity when the faithful of the city of Ephesus entered the Church, they would shout this greeting to their pastors: Holy Mother of God!  Together, let us repeat this greeting three times: Holy Mother of God!

After the recitation of the Angelus, the Holy Father continued:

Dear brothers and sisters,

I extend to all of you here present my cordial greetings, and wish you all a happy and holy New Year.  I especially wish to greet the pilgrims from the Scandinavian countries and from Slovakia, the faithful from Asola, Castiglione delle Strivere, Saccolongo, Sotto il Monte, Bonate Sotto and Benevento, the young people from Andria and Castelnuovo del Garda.  A cordial greeting to the Sternsingers from the diocese of Fulda in Germany.  I wish to thank all the Sternsingers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland for their commitment to going from house to house to share the good news of the birth of the Lord and to gather offerings for children in need.  Frohe Weihachten und ein gutes neues Jahr! (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)

My thoughts now turn to all those, in Dioceses throughout the world, who have organized prayers for peace, because prayer is at the root of peace.  I especially remember the national march which took place yesterday in Venice and the Peace in all the earth demonstration, organized here in Rome and in many other cities throughout the world.

Right now, we are connected to Rovereto, in Trentino, where the large bell named Maria Dolens can be found.  This bell was created in honour of those who died in all the wars and was blessed by Blessed Paul VI in 1965.  Soon we will hear the tolling of the bell.  Let us also express a wish that there will never again be war - never again war! - but always a desire and a commitment to peace and to fraternity among people.

Happy New Year to you all.  May this be a year of peace in the tender embrace of the Lord and with the maternal protection of Mary, the Mother of God and our Mother.  I greet you all and I see that there are many Mexicans here: I greet you all ... there are so many Mexicans!

Happy New Year, and please don't forget to pray for me.  Enjoy your lunch and good bye.

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