Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Council of Cardinals at work

The Council of Cardinals met with the Holy Father for a day and a half: on Monday, February 8 during the morning and afternoon, and on Tuesday, February 9 in the morning.

The Cardinals celebrated Mass with the Holy Father this morning, in company with the Cappucian Friars this morning at 7:30am in Saint Peter's Basilica, at the Altar of the Chair.

Cardinal Garcias was absent from these meetings due to illness.  His absence was predicted since the month of December when he underwent some preventative surgery.

As was foreseen at the conclusion of the preceding meeting, during the first session, the Holy Father's Speech, given on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Synod of Bishops (October 17, 2015), was further deepened.  This speech, which amply developed the theme of synodality, recalled the necessity of proceeding with healthy decentralization, an important reference for the work of reforming the Curia.

The Cardinals then proceeded to a final reading of the proposals provided by the Council in reference to the two new Dicasteries which have previously been explained: one for Laity, family and life and the other for Justice, peace and migration.  The proposals were finalized and confided to the Holy Father who will make the final decisions.

Cardinal Sean O'Malley reported concerning the recent activities of the Commission for the Protection of Minors.  While legal and disciplinary matters will fall under the competence of the Dicasteries of the Curia, these still need to be explored further.

Cardinal Pell informed the Council about the status and implementation of reforms with regard to economic matters.

The Cardinals received documentation concerning the so-called Handbook prepared by the Tribunal of the Rota regarding the reform of the canonical procedures concerning the validity of marriages.

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