Monday, March 14, 2016

Condolences to the Ivory Coast

The Cardinal Secretary of State of His Holiness has sent a message to the Ivory Coast, addressed to the Bishop of Grand-Bassam, His Excellency, Raymond Ahoua, FDP, expressing condolences on behalf of the Holy Father for victims of a terrorist attack that took place yesterday in a tourist area in the city of Grand-Bassam.

Telegram of Condolence
sent on behalf of the Holy Father, Pope Francis

to His Excellency, Raymond Ahoua, FDP
Bishop of Grand-Bassam
Grand-Bassam (Ivory Coast)

Having learned the news of a heinous attack which took place in Grand-Bassam, His Holiness, Pope Francis expresses his sincere condolences to the families who are mourning, and assures all those who have been wounded of his spiritual closeness.  He confides the victims to the mercy of God and prays that He may welcome them into his peace and light.  Expressing his sadness to the people of the Ivory Coast, who are being tested at this time, the Holy Father once again condemns violence and hatred in all its forms.  As a sign of consolation, he invokes the abundance of divine benedictions on the Ivory Coast and on all families affected by this tragedy.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State

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