Thursday, March 14, 2013

A new broom

Even in his first moments as Supreme Pontiff, His Holiness, Francis I set a different tone last night as he appeared on the central loggia of Saint Peter's Basilica to greet the crowds who had gathered in the piazza below.

He began with simple words, he took time to pray with the people of Rome, and to ask for their prayer for him - simple and humbling gestures which endeared him to their hearts right away - and which also probably caused a little bit of stir among the officials who are used to a much more scripted approach.

Reports are that while he donned the simple white cassock in the room of tears following his election, he left the red ermine mozzetta (shoulder-length cape) hanging there.  He came out into the Sistine Chapel to greet the Cardinals, but instead of sitting to receive their greetings and their promises of obedience, he chose to stand and to warmly greet each one of them as they approached.

After the blessing he imparted last night to the city and to the world, his aides apparently informed him that there was a limosine waiting to take him to the residence where he would spend the night (presumably the Casa Sanctae Martae where there was a suite prepared for the one who would be elected as Pope), but he declined the limo and chose to ride the bus along with the other Cardinals for the voyage.

This morning, his first act was to leave the Vatican and travel to central Rome to pray before the icon of Our Lady in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major.  There is an established tradition for the newly-elected Bishop of Rome to visit Saint Mary Major, but these rules were somewhat altered by the motu proprio issued by His Holiness, Benedict XVI earlier this year, effectively allowing the Pope to choose the manner in which he would visit the major Basilicae of Rome following his election.  This pope took the directives to heart, and although his impromptu decision probably caused no end of stir among the aides who are more used to organizing and scripting such visits, the Romans who were caught up in morning traffic snarls because of it just loved it.  What was perhaps more surprising was that instead of taking the papal Mercedes which bears the licence plate SCV1, he rode in a much more modest sedan.

Before entering the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, he stopped to wave to high school students across the street, and after praying before the icon, he told the confessors inside the church to be merciful, the souls of the faithful need your mercy.

On the way back to the Vatican, he stopped at the guest house where he had been staying prior to the beginning of the Conclave, not far from Piazza Navona to pick up his suitacases and to 'pay his bill'.  He had apparently told the Cardinals last night that he would do this, and they were surprised, since presumably such a mundane task could be taken care of by one of the Vatican staff, but His Holiness chose to do it in person.


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