Wednesday, March 20, 2013


In North America, and in other parts of the world, we have the custom of celebrating birthdays, but in Italy, and in some other parts of Europe (and I belive in other parts of the world as well), birthdays don't merit as much celebration as one's name day.  In Italy, a person's name day is called onomastico, and the custom is that friends and relations will call to congratulate the honoree on the occasion of name day much more than they might for a birthday.

The Vatican reported Tuesday afternoon that Pope Francis called his predecessor to congratulate him for the feast of St. Joseph, his name day.

As he was baptized Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI's patron is St. Joseph.

The Vatican statement (dated yesterday) reports: This afternoon, shortly after 5:00 pm, Pope Francis called Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on the telephone, to give him his best wishes on the occasion of the feast of Saint Joseph, his name day, and to express his gratitude and that of the Church for his service. The conversation was lengthy and cordial. The Pope Emeritus has followed intensely the events of these days and, in particular, this morning’s celebration (of the inauguration of His Holiness' Petrine ministry) , and assured his Successor of his continuous closeness in prayer.

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