Saturday, October 1, 2016

Greetings for Yom Kippur and Sukkot

The Holy Father has sent a Message of greeting to the Chief Rabbi of Rome, Doctor Riccardo di Segni, marking the occasion of the festival which all Jews are celebrating.

Message of the Holy Father
for Yom Kippur and Sukkot

Riccardo di Segni
Chief Rabbi of Rome
Jewish Community of Rome
Tempio M. Lungotevere Cenci
00186 Roma

On the occasion of the joyful celebrations of Rosh Ha-shanah 5777, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, I am especially happy to send to you and to the Jewish community of Rome my most sincere wishes.  My thoughts extend also to the Jewish community throughout the world, in hopes that the coming festivities may be for all, harbingers of abundant blessings.  May the Almighty grant us peace and an unceasing desire to promote it.  In his eternal mercy, may he grant hope and serenity to our days and strengthen the cordial ties of friendship between us.

From the Vatican
28 September 2016

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