Saturday, September 22, 2018

From Rome to Vilnius

This morning, aboard the flight from Rome to Lithuania for his 25th Apostolic Voyage, the Holy Father took time, as he always does, to greet the journalists who are accompanying him on this trip.

Introduced by a few words of greeting offered by the Director of the Holy See Press Centre, Greg Burke, the Pope then offered a few words to the journalists.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
to journalists en route to Lithuania

Greg Burke
Good morning, Holy Father, welcome!  Do you realize that this is your 25th International Voyage?  Many of the journalists - I believe - or at least some of them, have been with you on all your trips; for others this is a new voyage, their first time, including nine journalists from the Baltic countries.  I want to remind everyone that this is a moment for a quick greeting.  Perhaps, you have something to say ...

Pope Francis
Good morning!  Thank you very much for your company, for the help you are giving me on this trip, your service, for informing people who are following this voyage and who are interested in it.  These three countries are similar but different, and it will be something good, for you to pay attention, to see the similarities and the differences.  They have a history that is common but also varied.  It will be good!  Thank you very much!

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