Saturday, September 1, 2018

Greetings for entrepreneurs

At 12:10pm today (6:10am EDT), in the Clementine Hall at the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father, Pope Francis received in audience the Entrepreneurs who are attending a Meeting on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the meeting with Entrepreneurs

Mister President,
Mister Minister,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

A warm greeting to all of you and thank you for this meeting.

I am delighted that you have set out to reflect this weekend, particularly today, on the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, on the occasion of your Roman Forum, on the Encyclical Laudato si', as well as to act more adequately in favour of sustainability. I sincerely thank Mister Peter Kurth for his heartfelt greetings.

We follow Saint Francis as an example par excellence of the care for what is weak and of an integral ecology, lived with joy and authenticity (LS, 10). For Saint Francis, every contact with people and with concrete things became an encounter with the Creator. From his faith in God he derived his mission for justice, for peace and respect for creation.

Each of us also has a responsibility for others and for the future of our planet. Similarly, the economy must serve man, not exploit it and rob it of its resources. Today we are called to make use of the possibilities that technology makes available to us, with a good use of resources, helping in particular the countries most affected by poverty and degradation to take the path of renewal and sustainable and integral development.

My hope is that the men and women of our time, recognizing each other as sons and daughters of the Father and Creator who is in heaven, will contribute more and more concretely so that everyone can share the precious resources of the earth. I encourage you to continue to give your specific contribution for this purpose, and to this end I invoke the blessing of the Lord on you and your work.

Thank you very much and please, pray for me!
(Original text in Italian)

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