Thursday, September 5, 2019

Condolences to Columbia

The Holy Father has sent a telegram of condolence for the death - which occurred on 3 September of this year in Columbia - of His Eminence, Cardinal José de Jesús Pimiento Rodríguez, Archbishop emeritus of Manizales (Columbia).

Condolences of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the death of Cardinal José de Jesús Pimiento Rodriíguez

His Excellency, Gonzalo Restrepo Restrepo
Archbishop of Manizales

I have received the painful news of the death of Cardinal José de Jésus Pimiento Rodríguez, Archbishop emeritus of Manizales, and I express to Your Excellency my sentiments and thoughts, praying that they may be passed on to the family members of the deceased Cardinal and to those who are part of your Archdiocese.

Also, remembering this centenarian pastor who gave his life to God and to the Church, working valiantly for peace and for the common good, I offer prayers for his eternal rest, and that the Lord Jesus will grant him to enter into eternal light.  To all of you, I impart my Apostolic blessing.


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