Thursday, November 26, 2009

Memorial in Mumbai

There was a memorial today in Mumbai (India). It was one year ago today that the horrific bombings took place, taking the lives of some, and injuring others ... in short, instilling terror in the hearts of many.

News reports today tell the story of a country that is trying very hard to convince visitors and locals alike that things are up and running, in short, better than they ever have been. Visitors to hotels across the country must now pass inspections, including passing through metal detectors on the way in and out of the doors of the establishments. Any bags and packages which are being brought in must be subjected to a search and possibly a wand detector test. Baggage that arrives must also be scanned to ensure that it is 'safe'.

All this is being done in order to convince tourists and locals alike that all is well, that safety is a priority and that things are back to normal, but 'situation normal' must be defined in a country where there are more than 1 billion people, only 30% of whom are literate, and where there are more than 35 births per minute! Is it even possible for the authorities to guarantee that all things are well, that terrorism is under control and that life is back to normal?

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