Saturday, November 21, 2009

News for Antigonish

On September 26 of this year, His Excellency Raymond Lahey, then Bishop of Antigonish, submitted his resignation from the pastoral governance of that diocese.

Days after his resignation was accepted, news hit the press which has left not only the bishop without a diocese, but the priests and people of Antignish questioning and wondering. The healing there is not over yet, but as of today, the Holy Father has named a new bishop to head that diocese, in the person of none other than Brian Dunn, a native of Saint John's, NF who first served as a priest of the Diocese of Saint George's (NF) and who has most recently served as Auxiliary Bishop of Sault Ste. Marie.

Given the fact that he was only ordained a bishop just over a year ago, this appointment represents a great vote of confidence in his ability. What lies ahead for him will not be easy, but with the support and prayer of all of us, and with his many and varied talents and gifts at hand, he will doubtless give all he can to restore confidence and to lead the people of Antigonish to grow in their faith and love of God and one another.

Ad moltos annos!

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