Monday, November 2, 2009

Pray for loved ones

Imagine my surprise at finding an article posted on today's edition of ZENIT entitled Honor Departed Ones with Prayer, says Pope.

These days have been filled with all manner of emotion. There have been moments of laughter, like tonight's renderings of homage to grandma, and there have been moments of tears, but there have also been moments of prayer and the regular routines of life. Above all else, there has been time to spend with family and friends, to visit and to get caught up. For some of us, this is a precious and rare opportunity.

There were formal moments of prayer today as we gathered for the public visitation, and as we stood surrounded by family and friends, some of which we have not seen for many years. It was comforting to know that they too share our sorrow and wished to express their friendship and closeness.

Stories have been told, memories have been shared, and within the next day, a Mass of the Resurrection will be celebrated. For some, this is the most draining moment, but all that has led up to it has prepared us well. We know only too well that we are all still pilgrims, and that Evelyn has now completed that journey. All that remains is to confide her into the loving arms of the God she worshiped here on earth, and who she now lives with in heaven.

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