Sunday, November 29, 2009


The Church begins the Season of Advent today. This is a four-week period of immediate preparation for the celebration of Christmas.

The first week of Advent gives us a chance to remember the promise of God, that even when life gets unpredictable, and signs and portents relate causes for worry and concern, the promise of our God stands. This is indeed a comforting image for those who would otherwise cower beneath the pressures of life.

This weekend's homily might also help to set the tone.

There is a text version available for those who would rather read, and there is also a podcast version for those who would like to hear it the way it was spoken at last night's anticipitory Mass, the first of the Advent season.

Let's be people of hope this Advent, calling others to imitate our joy and to celebrate the birth of the One who changed everything.

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