Friday, January 7, 2011

Christ is born

Last night, after nightfall, the local Ukrainian Catholic community gathered to celebrate the vigil of Christmas.  Yes, you read it correctly.  The Ukrainian Church (and many of the Eastern branches of the Catholic Church, as well as the Orthodox Church) follow the Julian calendar, so Christmas day is not December 25, but rather it's today.  That means that last night would have been Christmas Eve.

The greeting that is traditional within the Eastern Church at this time of year is Christ is born! This writer has heard this greeting on a number of occasions (in Ukrainian) but although I can pronounce it (I think), I wouldn't dare to try spelling it.

Where once this greeting would have been spoken aloud to those we greeted in streets and homes throughout the Christmas season, it seems to be whispered today in these and many other places.  Perhaps there is a cautious wondering about whether we would offend, but one wonders if concern for political correctness may not ultimately spell a reaction in fear which stifles us from proclaiming with joy the truth of our Saviour's birth.  The world needs Him; the world needs us; the world needs to hear our voices.

Christ is born!  Come let us adore Him!

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