Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh the humour

Sometimes life presents moments where you just have to laugh, and it would seem that the downtown location where I hang my hat is a prime location for seeing life in all it's colour.  Evidence today as we were in the midst of the celebration of Mass:  we were in the midst of distributing communion, a procession which is usually done with great reverence.  In fact if someone were visually challenged, they could easily tell that this procession was in progress as they listened to the repeated phrases, 'The Body of Christ' and 'Amen'.

Imagine our surprise when in the midst of the parade, there was an unexpected answer.  The river of words proceeded something like this:

'The Body of Christ ... Amen;
The Body of Christ ... Amen;
The Body of Christ ... No thanks'

As the other communion ministers and I waffled between trying to believe the words we had just heard, I couldn't help smiling to myself.  One glance told me that the person who had just approached was one of our, well, special people.  He reverently bowed his head, then turned and returned to his seat in complete silence.

Amidst the conversation that ensued afterward between those of us who still wondered, some questioned what had just happened.  I just kept on smiling, thinking that indeed whatever it was that was going through his head was perhaps a silent prayer, and that he might just be more in touch with God's doings than I am today.

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