Saturday, September 6, 2014

Giving a life out of love

A few weeks ago, I met a woman who has been battling Multiple Sclerosis for many years.  Today, we celebrated her funeral.  Here`s the reflection I prepared for this gathering of faith.

Funeral homily for Nicole St. Pierre

We have come to this church today to remember and to give thanks for the life of a woman who some will always remember as a very determined individual.  Others have remarked about the fact that she never asked for help or felt sorry for herself.  This woman faced serious medical challenges, yet she never complained.  Instead, her concern for others, her constant willingness to do whatever she could to make other people comfortable was her guiding principle.

Through all of her challenges, Nicole always managed to keep a smile on her face.  Even though she may have been tired out by the struggle of daily life, she always remembered her manners and she never forgot the relationship she shared with Jesus.  This relationship was always at the centre of her life.  Indeed, it is this relationship of faith, which we all share; it is this relationship of faith that gathers us here today.

The words of the Book of Wisdom remind us that the souls of the virtuous … will find rest.  In fact, it would seem as though these words penned so long ago were meant as a description of this young woman whose life we remember and celebrate today.  They have sought to please God, so God loved them … they have been carried off so that evil may not warp their understanding.  Sometimes life deals a heavy hand, and it seems as though we must expend more and more energy in order to live it, but the secret is that as long as we have questions, as long as we have dreams, as long as we have aspirations, we will continue to live.  Despite the physical challenges, Nicole never stopped asking questions of herself and of others.  She never stopped dreaming and because of that, she managed to complete her university undergraduate studies in English and was looking forward to continuing her education.  The ravages of disease made it increasingly difficult for this dream to be fulfilled, yet she is finally at rest, carried off so that evil may not warp her understanding to a place where all her hopes and dreams can now be fulfilled. 

Today, we have heard the words of reassurance that Jesus spoke to the crowds, words he speaks to all of us: It is my Father’s will that whoever sees the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life.  I had the privilege to meet Nicole not so long ago.  By that time, her body was imprisoned by the effects of the disease, but she surprised many of her family members that day by sharing with me one of her characteristic smiles (something she hadn’t been able to do for quite some time).   She spoke with me that day too, and she made the sign of the cross when the time came for us to pray together.  Nicole never forgot her faith, and Jesus too, never forgot her, just as he never forgets any of his children.  Nicole was introduced to Jesus by her parents.  Throughout her short life, I’m sure she turned to him often in silent prayer, asking questions when no earthly answers seemed to be enough.  Today, we entrust her soul to the loving arms of Jesus who welcomes her into the fullness of eternal life.

Dear friends, those of us who have had the great privilege to know Nicole at various times in her life have truly been given a gift.  Even as we mourn the end of her earthly life, let us strive to imitate her courage as we face each day that is yet to come.  Even as our sister passes from this world into the fullness of life in God’s presence, let us take a moment now to consider the many ways in which she has been a teacher to us, an inspiration for us, a model of faith for us.

As it has been for Nicole, it is also for each of us who has been baptized: introduced to the great family of faith.  From that day onward, we have been given the great privilege of entering into a relationship of trust and love with Jesus.  Having experienced his tender love for us, a love which ultimately led him to give up his life for us, let us not be afraid to follow in his footsteps, even to the point of giving up our lives out of love for our brothers and sisters.  Then our light too will shine brightly as a beacon of hope and joy for others.

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