Monday, June 28, 2010

Celebrating Blessed Sacrament

Yesterday afternoon saw an almost full church as faithful and clergy from the parish of the most Blessed Sacrament, located in Sault Ste. Marie gathered to give thanks for their rich history of faith.

Stories and memories of the life of faith and community that has been celebrated there until just yesterday were told and retold.  Memories were recalled, and amid laughter and tears, the end of a era came to be.

Like many other parishes, Blessed Sacrament has witnessed many other changes which have taken place throughout its history.  Parts of the building have been adapted to house an office, an elevator and a place for community activity, in addition to the church space itself, used for prayer and supplication.  Father Trevor Scarfone, the last of a number of priests to be ordained from Blessed Sacrament, reminded the gathered faithful that they have already lived through many changes throughout their history, and that this is another change that they must live now.

At the end of the closing liturgy, there was a litany of thanksgiving, and Father Eric Pannike, the current pastor wheeled out a cart piled with the sacramental registers of the parish, which he confided to the pastor of Precious Blood Cathedral.  As the registers were wheeled out of the church, they were followed by the blessed sacrament which had been removed from the tabernacle.

The Mass was followed by a banquet where yet more stories were exchanged: a fitting celebration of thanksgiving for all that has been.

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