Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dinner with the folk

For those who only occasionally visit Vienna, it's almost a must that if the occasion should present itself, one must avail the opportunity to see how the Vienese do things, including dinner.

On this particular evening, the meal was a special treat: made up of typical fare, served in a 'typical' locale and of course prepared by those who do these things best. Combine the rustic charm of rooms which bring to mind the simplicity of Austrian pragmatism with the rustic but oh so good food of the alps. Add a violin and a guitar along with the musicians to make them sing, and of course the special magic which brings together a group of stangers and makes of them a few friends, and the result is almost magic.

The stories told around those tables, the music that was appreciated, and even partaken in, and the occasion to sample some of the local delicacies (both of gastronomic and vinted proportions will be the stuff of memories for a long time to come).

Two hours just melted away, and we're not sure whether it was the next group of pilgrims knocking at the door, or the particular flare for fun that had invaded our hearts that prompted our essue from those premises, but the truth is that we all enjoyed a most memorable moment.

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