Saturday, June 12, 2010

Simple and yet profound

The wedding season is in full swing. Couples are approaching the altar to speak their words of commitment and love to one another, and onlookers of various and sundry kinds sit not idly by to witness the momentous occasion.

Words spoken can never be retracted. These words of love resound to join this act of faith with the act of faith which was once made on the part of their parents as they brought their children to the font of salvation. These words also echo forward to welcome a generation yet to be born, and a future which is still in the realm of possibilities.

Would that we could see the world as God does, would that we could love as He does, would that we could learn to forgive as he does, would that we could embrace life with joy and abandon as He does. Human actions seem so simple and inadequate when compared with the profound presence of the Creator, and yet human actions are all we have, all we can offer in return for so much blessing and grace.

And God in his heaven smiles.

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