Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The view from up here

In a moment of clarity, I understood today how life just keeps moving on.  Actually I was chatting with someone about the wonderful celebration that took place here just the other night, and telling her how that moment had already passed, glorious as it was, and that other realities have already taken its place.

Even as we chatted, there was a group of the wonderful volunteers here, along with a structural engineer and a materials consultant who were climbing in the towers of the church.  Purpose: to ascertain the scope of work that will be needed to repair the damage that has been inflicted on the brickwork that constitutes the two towers that literally tower over this building (pardon the repetition, but it does add a bit of scope, doesn't it?).

As it turns out, I joined them for part of their visit, and in the process, climbed all the way to the top of the south-east tower of the church.  The view from up there was quite something to see (if you could get over the bits and pieces of various debris that were scattered hither and yon).  This site visit will now permit the experts to provide us with a scope of work that will be needed in order to rectify the long-awaited problems that have been besieging this part of the tower for the better part of twenty or thirty years.  With a bit of luck, we'll actually be able to start the work sometime next year.  Stay tuned.

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