Thursday, June 10, 2010

On to Oberammergau

Leaving Austria behind, we then set sail for the tiny township of Oberammergau. Now, for those who know not of the story, a bit of background.

The year is 1633, and the Black Plague is rampant in Europe, bringing death, mystery and suffering to thousands if not more. The little town of Oberammergau is under threat, but the villagers band together to pray for safety. In return for their protection, they promise to perform a Passion Play if they are spared. To make a long story short, only very few of their inhabitants fall victim to the Black Death, and in return, they do indeed perform the Passion Play, something that they do even today, at the beginning of each decade.

Yep, you guessed it. The world famous Passion Play was the object of our search on this particular day, and as it turned out, we were not to be disappointed.

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