Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wildlife in the neighbourhood

It's still early in the summer season.  In fact the schools are still winding up their academic year, but yesterday there was a great flurry in the neighbourhood as not one, not two, but three moose came a-calling.

Some of our collegues noticed the visitors as they watched from the safety of their offices, and it would appear that these gentle giants chose to hide out in the safety of a clump of trees rather than expose themselves to the constant barrage of traffic and other strangers who normally populate the busy streets of this city.

Nestled in the foliage were two adult moose and a calf ... and it would appear that they did not move until coaxed to do so by wildlife authorities who had been alerted, and who arrived within the evening dusk to escort them to safer terrain.

Had this been another time of year, the creatures would have had to fear for their lives ... as if being surrounded with the sights and sounds of human society wouldn't scare them enough, especially given the fact that they normally enjoy their solitude unless scared or disturbed in some way.

So, who should learn from whom about survival in the wild?

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