Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The power of time

How you look at life all depends on perspective.  Many people much wiser than the present scribe have spent hours, days, even lifetimes expounding various philosophies about this very point, and every now and then it helps the rest of us to be prodded into taking a step back to consider where we are and what we're up to.

Enter the thought of one Philip Zimbardo (which someone had the kindness to share with me earlier today).  His presentation, accompanied with an animated visual is packed with all kinds of little nuggets which will keep the wondering mind busy for hours, if not days or weeks (ok some for only a few moments or seconds), and perhaps compel some wanderers to also stop for just a moment to consider where they're headed in life.

These are the deep questions that must be considered by all, even just long enough so that we can reset our priorities before setting sail for ports unknown.

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