Wednesday, March 18, 2020

General Audience: Blessed are the merciful

This morning's General Audience began at 9:30am local time (3:30am EST) in the Library at the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

In his speech, the Pope continued the cycle of catechesis on the Beatitudes, adding his meditation on the fifth Beatitude: Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy shown them (Mt 5:7).

After having summarized his catechesis in various languages, the Holy Father offered particular greetings to each group of the faithful in attendance.  Then, he issued a call for the celebration of the upcoming prayer initiative known as 24 Hours for the Lord which will take place on 20 and 21 March 2020.

The General Audience concluded with the recitation of the Pater Noster and the Apostolic Blessing.

Catechesis of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
for the General Audience

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

We focus today on the fifth Beatitude, which says: Blessed are the merciful, for they will find mercy (Mt 5:7). In this Beatitude, there is something particularly interesting: this is the only one in which the cause and the fruit of happiness coincide: mercy. Those who exercise mercy will find mercy, they will be merciful.

This theme reciprocal forgiveness is not only present in this Beatitude, but it is recurrent in the Gospel. And how could it be otherwise? Mercy is the very heart of God! Jesus says: Do not judge and you will not be judged; do not condemn and you will not be condemned; forgive and you will be forgiven (Lk 6:37). Always the same reciprocity. And the Letter of James states that mercy always has the upper hand over judgment (James 2:13).

But it is above all in the Our Father that we pray: Forgive us our trespasses as we also forgive those who trespass against us (Mt 6:12); and this question is the only one that is spoken of at the end of the prayer: If in fact you forgive others their sins, your Father in heaven will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your sins (Mt 6:14-15; cf Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2838).

There are two things that cannot be separated: forgiveness given and forgiveness received. But many people are in difficulty, they cannot forgive. So many times the evil received is so great that being able to forgive seems like climbing a very high mountain: an enormous effort; and one thinks: it cannot be done, this cannot be done. This fact of reciprocity of mercy indicates that we need to reverse the perspective. Alone we can do nothing, it takes God's grace, we must ask for it. In fact, if the fifth Beatitude promises to find mercy and in the Our Father we ask for the forgiveness of our sins, it means that we are essentially sinners and we need to find mercy!

We are all indebted. All of us. To God, who is so generous, and to our brothers. Each person knows that he is not the father or mother he should be, the groom or bride, the brother or sister he should be. We are all in deficit in life. And we need mercy. We know that we too have done wrong, there is always something missing from the good that we should have done.

But precisely this poverty of ours becomes the source of strength we need to forgive! We are indebted and if, as we heard at the beginning, we will be measured by the measure with which we measure others (cf Lk 6:38), then we should broaden the measure and forgive the debts, forgive. Everyone must remember that they need to forgive, we all need forgiveness, we all need patience; this is the secret of mercy: by forgiving others, we ourselves are forgiven. Therefore God precedes us and forgives us first (cf Rom 5:8). By receiving his forgiveness, we in turn become capable of forgiving. Thus one's own misery and lack of justice become an opportunity to open oneself to the kingdom of heaven, to a greater extent, to the measure of God, which is mercy.

Where does our mercy come from? Jesus said to us: Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful (Lk 6:36). The more you accept the love of the Father, the more you are able to love (cf CCC, 2842). Mercy is not one dimension among others, but it is the centre of Christian life: there is no Christianity without mercy (Cfr Saint John Paul II, Encyclical, Dives in misericordia, 30 November 1980; Bulla, Misericordae Vultus, 11 April 2015; Apostolic Letter, Misericordia et misera, 20 November 2016). If all our Christianity does not lead us to mercy, we have taken the wrong road, because mercy is the only true goal of every spiritual journey. It is one of the most beautiful fruits of charity (cf. CCC, 1829).

I remember that this theme was chosen for the first Angelus address that I had to give as Pope: mercy. And this has remained very impressed on me, like a message that as Pope I should have always given, a message that must be spoken every day: mercy. I remember that day I also had the somewhat shameless attitude of advertising a book on mercy, which had just been published by Cardinal Kasper. And that day I felt so strongly that this is the message that I must give, as Bishop of Rome: mercy, mercy, please, forgiveness.

God's mercy is our deliverance and our happiness. We live in mercy and we cannot afford to be without mercy: it is the air we breathe. We are too poor to lay out conditions, we need to forgive, because we need to be forgiven. Thank you!
Testo originale nella lingua italiana

The Holy Father's catechesis was then summarized in various languages and His Holiness offered greetings to each group of the faithful in attendance.  To French-speaking viewers, he said:

Je salue cordialement les fidèles de langue française. Chers frères et sœurs, en ce temps du Carême, je vous invite particulièrement à recevoir le pardon de Dieu dans le sacrement de la Réconciliation. Vous y trouverez aussi la force de pardonner à votre tour. Que Dieu vous bénisse!

I cordially greet the French-speaking faithful.  Dear brothers and sisters, during this season of Lent, I invite you particularly to receive the forgiveness of God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  There, you will also find the strength to forgive others.  May God bless you!

To English-speaking viewers, he said:

I greet the English-speaking faithful joining us through the media, as we continue on our Lenten journey towards Easter. Upon you and your families, I invoke the strength and peace that come from our Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless you!

To German-speaking viewers, he said:

Herzlich grüße ich die Brüder und Schwestern deutscher Sprache. In der Fastenzeit sind wir in besonderer Weise aufgerufen, die Haltung der Barmherzigkeit einzuüben. Dies ist entscheidend für uns als Christen: dass wir die Demut besitzen, um Vergebung zu bitten, und die Großherzigkeit, Vergebung zu gewähren.

I cordially greet our German-speaking brothers and sisters.  During Lent, we are called in a special way to cultivate an attitude of mercy.  This is fundamental for us Christians: to possess humility in asking forgiveness and in possessing generosity in granting forgiveness to others.

To Spanish-speaking viewers, he said:

Saludo cordialmente a los fieles de lengua española, que siguen esta catequesis a través de los medios de comunicación. Pidamos al Señor que, en este momento particularmente difícil para todos, podamos redescubrir dentro de nosotros su Presencia que nos ama y nos sostiene, y de ese modo ser portadores de su ternura a cuantos nos rodean, con obras de cercanía y de bien. Que Dios los bendiga.

I cordially greet the Spanish-speaking faithful, who are following this catechesis through the media. Let us ask the Lord that, in this particularly difficult moment for all of us, we can rediscover within us his Presence that loves us and sustains us, and in this way be bearers of his tenderness to those around us, with works of closeness and goodness. May God bless you.

To Portuguese-speaking viewers, he said:

Queridos ouvintes de língua portuguesa, a todos vos saúdo e encorajo no caminho quaresmal que nos é proposto, embora num modo um pouco diverso do que era habitual nos demais anos. Mas Deus, Pai de Misericórdia, sabe-o! Desejo-vos um caminho abençoado, que vos permita seguir e imitar mais de perto Jesus, a Misericórdia divina em pessoa. E possais assim dizer, como São Paulo, «já não sou eu que vivo, é Cristo que vive em mim». Sobre vós e vossas famílias desça a bênção do Senhor.

Dear Portuguese-speaking listeners, I greet and encourage you all on the Lenten journey that has been proposed to us, although in a slightly different way than was usual in other years. But God, the Father of Mercy, knows this! I wish you a blessed path that will allow you to follow and imitate Jesus, the divine Mercy, more closely. And so you can say, like Saint Paul, it is no longer I who live, it is Christ who lives in me. May the blessing of the Lord come upon you and your families.

To Arabic viewers, he said:

أُحيِّي جميع المؤمنينَ الناطقينَ باللغةِ العربية. أيّها الإخوةُ والأخواتُ الأعزاء، لقد فتح الله لنا باب رحمته منذ أن خلقنا. علينا نحن أيضًا أن نفتح باب الرحمة فينا للجميع، لأنه الباب الذي يدخل منه الله ليمنحنا غفرانه وبركاته. ليبارككم الرب جميعًا ويحرسكم دائمًا من الشرير!

I greet all the believers who speak the Arabic language. Dear brothers and sisters, God has opened the door of His mercy to us since He created us. We also have to open the door of mercy in us to everyone, because it is the door through which God enters to grant us his forgiveness and blessings. May God bless you and keep you safe from the evil one!

To Polish-speaking viewers, he said:

Pozdrawiam serdecznie wszystkich Polaków. Czas Wielkiego Postu zaprasza nas do refleksji nad tajemnicą Bożego Miłosierdzia. Otrzymując Je możemy nauczyć się jak we właściwy sposób przebaczać i miłować naszych braci.

Gotowość do przebaczania niech będzie dla Was nie tylko postanowieniem wielkopostnym, ale również stałym usposobieniem w Waszym chrześcijańskim postępowaniu.

Z serca Wam błogosławię.

I cordially greet all Poles. The time of Lent invites us to reflect on the mystery of God's mercy. By receiving it we can learn how to properly forgive and love our brothers.

Let readiness to forgive be for you not only a Lenten resolution, but also a constant disposition in your Christian behaviour.

I bless you with all my heart.

To Italian-speaking viewers, he said:

Saluto cordialmente i fedeli di lingua italiana, con un pensiero speciale per i giovani, gli anziani, i malati e gli sposi novelli.

Domani festeggeremo la solennità di San Giuseppe. Nella vita, nel lavoro, nella famiglia, nella gioia e nel dolore egli ha sempre cercato e amato il Signore, meritando l’elogio della Scrittura come uomo giusto e saggio. Invocatelo sempre con fiducia, specialmente nei momenti difficili e affidate a questo grande Santo la vostra esistenza.

Faccio mio l’appello dei Vescovi italiani che in questa emergenza sanitaria hanno promosso un momento di preghiera per tutto il Paese. Ogni famiglia, ogni fedele, ogni comunità religiosa: tutti uniti spiritualmente domani alle ore 21 nella recita del Rosario, con i Misteri della luce. Io vi accompagnerò da qui. Al volto luminoso e trasfigurato di Gesù Cristo e al suo Cuore ci conduce Maria, Madre di Dio, salute degli infermi, alla quale ci rivolgiamo con la preghiera del Rosario, sotto lo sguardo amorevole di San Giuseppe, Custode della Santa Famiglia e delle nostre famiglie. E gli chiediamo che custodisca in modo speciale la nostra famiglia, le nostre famiglie, in particolare gli ammalati e le persone che stanno prendendosi cura degli ammalati: i medici, gli infermieri, le infermiere, i volontari, che rischiano la vita in questo servizio.

I cordially greet the Italian-speaking faithful, with a special thought for the young, the elderly, the sick and newlyweds.

Tomorrow we will celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph. In life, at work, in the family, in joy and in pain he has always sought and loved the Lord, deserving the praise of Scripture as a just and wise man. Always invoke him with confidence, especially in difficult moments and entrust your existence to this great Saint.

I make my own the appeal of the Italian Bishops who in this health emergency have promoted a moment of prayer for the whole country. Every family, every faithful, every religious community: all united spiritually tomorrow at 9 pm in the recitation of the Rosary, with the Mysteries of light. I will accompany you from here. Mary, Mother of God, health of the sick, leads us to the luminous and transfigured face of Jesus Christ and to her Heart, to whom we turn with the prayer of the Rosary, under the loving gaze of Saint Joseph, Custodian of the Holy Family and our families. . And we ask him to take special care of our family, our families, especially the sick and the people who are taking care of the sick: the doctors, nurses and volunteers who are risking their lives in this service.

At the conclusion of the General Audience, the Holy Father issued the following call for prayer:

Next Friday and Saturday, 20-21 March, the initiative known as 24 Hours for the Lord will take place.  This is an important moment in Lent for prayer and to help us approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Unfortunately, in Rome, in Italy and in other countries, this initiative cannot take place in the usual ways due to the emergence of the coronavirus. However, in all other parts of the world, this beautiful tradition will continue. I encourage the faithful to sincerely approach the mercy of God in confession and to pray especially for those who are facing trials because of the pandemic.

In places where the 24 Hours for the Lord cannot be celebrated, I am certain that you will be able to experience this penitential moment with personal prayer.

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