Wednesday, March 25, 2020

General Audience for the Annunciation of the Lord

This morning's General Audience took place at 9:30am in the Library of the Vatican Apostolic Palace.

During his speech, the Pope added his mediation on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, which is celebrated on this day every year.

After having summarized his catechesis in various languages, the Holy Father offered particular greetings to the faithful.  Then, he issued a call to unite ourselves today in reciting the Lord's Prayer and to participate in a moment of prayer that will be offered on Friday 27 March from the staging area in Saint Peter's Square.

The General Audience concluded with the Apostolic Blessing.

Greetings of the Holy Father, Pope Francis
during the General Audience

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning!

Twenty-five years ago, on this same date of March 25, which in the Church is the solemn feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, Saint John Paul II promulgated the Encyclical Evangelium vitae, on the value and inviolability of human life.

The link between the Annunciation and the Gospel of life is close and profound, as Saint John Paul underlined in his Encyclical. Today, we find ourselves relaunching this teaching in the context of a pandemic that threatens human life and the world economy. A situation that makes the words with which the Encyclical begins even more demanding. Here they are: The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message. Welcomed by the Church every day with love, it must be announced with courageous fidelity as good news to men of all ages and cultures (EV, 1).

Like any Gospel proclamation, this too must be witnessed first of all. And I think with gratitude of the silent testimony of many people who, in different ways, are doing their utmost to serve the sick, the elderly, those who are lonely and most destitute. They put the Gospel of life into practice, like Mary who, having accepted the angel's announcement, went to help her cousin Elizabeth who needed her assistance.

In fact, the life we are called to promote and defend is not an abstract concept, but always manifests itself in a person, in flesh and blood: a newly conceived child, a poor marginalized person, a lonely and discouraged patient or one who is in a terminal state, one who has lost his job or is unable to find employment, a refused or ghettoized migrant ... Life manifests itself in people.

Every human being is called by God to enjoy the fullness of life; and being entrusted to the maternal concern of the Church, every threat made to dignity and human life cannot fail to affect the Church's heart, at the level of her maternal bowels. For the Church, the defence of life is not an ideology, it is a reality, a human reality that involves all Christians, precisely because they are Christians and because they are human.

Unfortunately, attacks on the dignity and life of people continue even in our era, which is the era of universal human rights; on the contrary, we are faced with new threats and new slavery, and legislation is not always used to protect the weakest and most vulnerable human lives.

The message of the Encyclical Evangelium vitae is therefore more relevant than ever. Beyond emergencies, such as the one we are experiencing, it is a question of acting on a cultural and educational level to transmit to future generations the attitude of solidarity, care and hospitality, knowing full well that the culture of life is not an exclusive Christian heritage, but that it belongs to all those who, striving for the construction of fraternal relationships, recognize the proper value of each person, even when they are fragile and suffering.

Dear brothers and sisters, every human life, unique and unrepeatable, has value in and of itself, constitutes an immeasurable value. This must always be proclaimed - again and again - with the courage of the word and the courage of action. This calls for solidarity and fraternal love for the great human family and for each of its members.

Therefore, with Saint John Paul II, who wrote this encyclical, with him I reaffirm with renewed conviction the appeal he made to all people twenty-five years ago: Respect, defend, love and serve life, every life, every human life ! Only on this path will you find justice, development, freedom, peace and happiness! (EV, 5).
Testo originale nella lingua italiana

The Holy Father's catechesis was then summarized in various languages and he offered greetings in various languages.  To French-speaking viewers, he said:

Je salue cordialement les fidèles de langue française.  Chers frères et sœurs, que le oui de la Vierge Marie vous fortifie dans votre lutte pour la promotion et la défense de la vie et vous rende solidaires de toute personne souffrante, âgée ou seule, surtout en cette période de grande épreuve.  Que Dieu vous bénisse!

I cordially greet the French-speaking faithful.  Dear brothers and sisters, may the Virgin Mary's yes strengthen you in your fight for the promotion and the defence of life and unite you with all those who are suffering, aged or alone, especially in this period of great trial.  May God bless you!

To English-speaking viewers, he said:

I greet the English-speaking faithful joining us through the media, as we continue on our Lenten journey towards Easter. Upon you and your families, I invoke the strength and peace that come from our Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless you!

To German-speaking viewers, he said:

Einen herzlichen Gruß richte ich an die Brüder und Schwestern deutscher Sprache. Setzen wir uns für das Leben der anderen ein, vor allem der Kranken und der Bedürftigen. Ich denke besonders an die älteren Menschen. Sie verdienen unsere Aufmerksamkeit und unsere Wertschätzung. Dank ihres Fleißes und ihrer Fürsorge sind wir hier und haben wir diesen Lebensstandard. Der barmherzige Gott segne euch mit seiner Gnade.

I offer a cordial greeting to our German-speaking brothers and sisters.  Let us commit ourselves to the lives of others, especially the sick and the needy. I am thinking in particular of the elderly. They deserve our respect and our attention. Thanks to their commitment and their care we are here and we have this lifestyle today.  May the merciful God bless you with his grace.

To Spanish-speaking viewers, he said:

Saludo a los fieles de lengua española que siguen esta catequesis a través de los medios de comunicación. En estos momentos en que toda la humanidad está sufriendo a causa de la pandemia, los exhorto a implorar la protección de María y la intercesión del Papa san Juan Pablo II, para que toda vida humana sea valorada, respetada, defendida y amada; así se hallará justicia, paz y felicidad. Que Dios los bendiga.

I greet the Spanish-speaking faithful who are following this catechesis through the media. In these moments in which all humanity is suffering due to the pandemic, I urge you to implore the protection of Mary and the intercession of Pope Saint John Paul II, so that all human life is valued, respected, defended and loved; in this way, justice, peace and happiness will be found. May God bless you.

To Portuguese-speaking viewers, he said:

De coração saúdo aos fiéis de língua portuguesa: obrigado pela vossa união na oração! À Virgem Maria, Saúde dos Enfermos, confio todos vós, fazendo votos de que testemunheis o Evangelho da Vida com a palavra e a coragem das ações. Sobre vós e vossas famílias, desça a Bênção do Senhor!

I cordially greet the Portuguese-speaking faithful: thank you for your unity in prayer! I entrust all of you to the Virgin Mary, Health of the Sick, with the hope that you will bear witness to the Gospel of Life with your words and the courage of your actions. May the Lord's Blessing descend upon you and your families!

To Arabic-speaking viewers, he said:

أُحيِّي المؤمنينَ الناطقينَ باللغةِ العربية، أيّها الإخوةُ والأخواتُ الأعزاء، مريم في الناصرة تدلُّنا على الطريق الذي يوصِّلنا إلى معرفة يسوع: هي تعلِّمنا أن نقول "نعم" لمشيئة الله، ولتدبيره الذي يفوق إدراكنا. لنجدد معًا قولنا "نعم" لله ولمشيئته، واثقين به، مثل مريم، أنّه سيمنحنا حياة جديدة. ليُبارِكْكُم الرّب!

I greet the Arabic-speaking faithful! Dear brothers and sisters, Mary of Nazareth shows us the way to get to know Jesus: to know how to say yes to the will of God, and to his plans, which always go beyond us. Together we renew our yes to the Lord and to his will, trusting him: in this way, like Mary, we will have new life. May the Lord bless you!

To Polish-speaking viewers, he said:

Drodzy bracia i siostry, dziś przypada uroczystość Zwiastowania Pańskiego. Przeżywamy tajemnicę Syna Bożego, który stał się człowiekiem i narodził się z Dziewicy Maryi. Ona z wielkoduszną gotowością przyjęła i chroniła Jego życie poczęte z Ducha Świętego. Każde życie ludzkie jest bezcennym darem Boga. Coraz bardziej zdajemy sobie z tego sprawę w tym czasie, gdy epidemia odbiera życie bardzo wielu osobom. Przez wstawiennictwo Maryi, prośmy Pana życia, by zatrzymał groźbę śmierci i by napełnił serca wszystkich ludzi szacunkiem dla każdego życia. Jego błogosławieństwo niech wam zawsze towarzyszy.

Dear brothers and sisters, today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation. We experience the mystery of the Son of God who became man and was born of the Virgin Mary. She received and protected His life, which was conceived of the Holy Spirit, with generous readiness. Every human life is a precious gift of God. We are increasingly aware of this at a time when the epidemic is taking the lives of many people. Through the intercession of Mary, let us ask the Lord of life to stop the threat of death and to fill all people's hearts with respect for every life. May his blessing always accompany you.

To Italian-speaking viewers, he said:

Saluto cordialmente voi, fedeli di lingua italiana. Vi incoraggio ad essere sempre fiduciosi nella misericordia di Dio e generosi con il prossimo, specialmente in questi tempi di incertezza.  Rivolgo un pensiero speciale ai giovani, agli anziani, ai malati e agli sposi novelli. Oggi, solennità dell’Annunciazione del Signore, affido tutti alla Madre di Gesù e Madre nostra. Ella, che ha detto quel “sì” a Nazaret, vi aiuti ogni giorno a dire il vostro “sì” al Signore, che vi chiama ad accoglierlo e a seguirlo in tutte le situazioni concrete in cui vi trovate a vivere. Che Dio vi benedica.

I cordially greet you, Italian speaking faithful.  I encourage you to always trust in the mercy of God and to be generous toward your neighbour, especially during this time of uncertainty.  I offer a special thought to the young people, the elderly, those who are sick and the newlyweds.  Today, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, I entrust you all to the Mother of Jesus, our Mother.  May she who gave her yes in Nazareth, help us every day to say yes to the Lord, who calls us to welcome him and to follow him in all concrete situations where we may find ourselves in life.  May God bless you.

At the conclusion of the General Audience, the Holy Father made the following appeal:

Very soon, at noon today, we Pastors of the various Christian communities, together with the faithful from various confessions, will meet spiritually to call upon God with the prayer of the Our Father.  Let us unite our voices in supplication to the Lord during these days of suffering, while the world is so severely tried by this pandemic.  May our Father, who is merciful, hear the prayers of his children who with trusting hope turn to his omnipotence.

I also renew my invitation for all of you to participate spiritually, through various communications media, in the moment of prayer over which I will preside the day after tomorrow, Friday, at 6:00pm (1:00pm EDT), on the steps of Saint Peter's Basilica.  Listening to the Word of God and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be followed by the Urbi et Orbi blessing, with the plenary indulgence attached.

The moment of prayer will be broadcast by live stream on Friday beginning at 1:00pm EDT on various television stations.

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