Saturday, March 20, 2010

How does one relax?

Leisure is different for everyone. Some people go to the gym, others are into sports; some adore their workshops, while others have any assortment of hobbies.

As it happened, today began long before the sun cast its first rays on the rocks of the Pre-cambrian shield and revealed the grass (yes grass) that is showing, thanks to the severe lack of snow this year in these parts. I had to finish preparing for the weekend obligations so that I could find some time to play today.

In this case, play means spending time in the kitchen, and the recipe in question today was Zeppole, the famous donuts that are made to celebrate Saint Joseph's feastday. In actual fact, I should have been making them (or eating them) yesterday, but since this was my introduction to this particular custom, and given the fact that we're in the dead of Lent, I figured that another day's wait wouldn't hurt. Besides, this way my confreres and I could enjoy them after having celebrated the first vespers of Sunday, which makes it quite 'legal' for such frivolity to take place.

According to the recipe, the pastry is supposed to be shaped (using a piping bag) but since we couldn't find all the parts to the pastry bag that resides in this house, we had to improvise. Result ... they turned out looking suspiciously like cream puffs waiting to be stuffed. The cream filling on the other hand was an absolutely scrumptious vanilla custard (made from scratch of course). According to the recipe, these little confections can be decorated with extra cream and cherries, but considering this is the first time, it's not too bad if I do say so myself.


Anonymous said...

Oh you tease...

Anonymous said...

I concur!